
Online Guide to 
Joint Replacement

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At Kansas Joint & Spine Specialists, our specialty-trained hip doctors in Wichita and Anthony are experts in providing evaluation and treatment for hip injuries and conditions.

Hip pain can be caused by any number of things, including a fall that leads to a fracture, arthritis, or a rare condition known as avascular necrosis. A specialty-trained hip doctor can treat patients like these who have hip pain and help them find a solution that improves their quality of life.
The hip joint itself is a ball-and-socket and the largest joint in the human body. When a hip doctor diagnoses a patient, he or she will ask the patient a number of questions about their hip pain and perform a physical exam. Sometimes, knee pain accompanies hip joint issues, and because of this, the doctor may also assess the knee to check for an injury. Imaging tests such as X-rays may also be scheduled so the doctor or surgeon can get a detailed look at the hip before making the diagnosis.
Sometimes, surgical treatment is needed, such as hip replacement or hip preservation surgery, which can sometimes be helpful for patients with advanced arthritis. However, the doctor or surgeon may decide the hip joint is in good condition, and the patient does not need surgery but would benefit from some type of nonsurgical care. To help manage the pain, the doctor may offer another treatment or combination of therapies, like prescribing medication or referring the patient to a physical therapist. Physical therapy may focus on strengthening the hip as well as other areas of the body, such as strengthening the knee.
Because hip doctors have advanced orthopaedic training and significant knowledge of the hip, they can help patients understand what will happen if the injury is not treated, along with all the options available, whether it is a type of orthopaedic surgery or another treatment.

Hip Symptoms of Concern

These experiences and symptoms can be related to hip problems and may be familiar to you:

  • Aching in the front of the hip
  • Hip or leg give way when walking
  • Knee or hip pain
  • Outer thigh pain
  • Pain in the groin area
  • Pain in the hip when lifting the knee
  • Popping or clicking sound when moving the hip
  • Swelling
  • Tenderness
  • Walking with a limp

Common Hip Conditions & Injuries

A hip doctor or surgeon may diagnose you with one of the following hip injuries or conditions:

  • Bursitis
  • Fracture
  • Hip arthritis
  • Hip dysplasia
  • IT band syndrome
  • Labral tear
  • Osteoarthritis

Exceptional Hip Care at Kansas Joint & Spine Specialists

When you visit Kansas Joint & Spine Specialists in Wichita or Anthony, you’ll meet with one of our hip doctors, Dr. Kellis Bulleigh or Dr. Damion Walker. These specialty-trained medical experts treat patients just like you, helping restore them to better health and an improved quality of life. They not only provide medical care and patient education, but they also have a deep understanding of the challenges patients with hip issues face and know how to listen to and address your questions and concerns.
It's important to know that our doctors and hip surgeons always strive to recommend a nonsurgical treatment option first before recommending surgery. Through their diagnostic process, they will be able to determine if a nonoperative treatment plan, such as physical therapy or medication, will be the best approach.
However, if hip surgery is ultimately needed, our hip specialists will apply their advanced skills to perform the surgery, using our state-of-the-art technology. Whether you're undergoing a hip surgery, such as a hip joint replacement surgery or hip arthroscopy, or a different surgery, they'll be with you every step of the way, from your first consultation at our office, during your surgical procedure, and through your recovery and rehabilitation.


Mako SmartRobotics™ Technology

Mako is an innovative robotic system designed to improve the accuracy and precision of knee and hip replacement surgeries. Utilizing advanced 3D imaging and surgical planning, Mako allows for personalized treatment plans, accurate placement during surgery, and less tissue damage.


Mako Robotic Assistant

Your Appointment

Our doctors in Wichita and Anthony can assess and diagnose your condition and consult with you about what treatment approach may be best for you. Sometimes, our hip doctors may consult with other doctors at Kansas Joint & Spine Specialists about your hip problem, such as a sports medicine doctor. This opportunity for experts to share knowledge and perspective is just one of the many benefits of being treated by the doctors at Kansas Joint & Spine Specialists.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of our hip specialists in Wichita or Anthony by phone at (316) 219-8299 or by using the request an appointment button below.